Parsippany District 3
Parsippany District 3
Line Officers
Line Officers
Chief: Matthew Topolewski III
Deputy Chief: Mark Turo
Captain: Ray Adams
Lieutenant: Kenneth Nolan
Lieutenant: Steve Koon
Lake Parsippany Volunteer Fire company
Lake Parsippany Volunteer Fire company
Admin Officers
Admin Officers
President: Zubin Mistry
Vice President: Russell Prokop
Treasurer: Fred Iradi
Finance Secretary: Michael Turo
Secretary: Andrew Genovese
Sergeant At Arms: Patrick Turo
LAdies Auxillary of
LAdies Auxillary of
the Lake Parsippany Volunteer Fire company
the Lake Parsippany Volunteer Fire company
Admin Officers
Admin Officers
President: Cindy Barilla
Vice President: Cindy Olsen
Treasurer: Kathy Nolan
Finance Secretary: Antoinette Nolan
Secretary: Barbara Shannon